Science Resources for KS3

PhD students and colleagues from the GW4+ Doctoral Landscape Training Partnership (DLTP) which includes the University of Bath, University of Bristol, Cardiff University and University of Exeter have created resources for schools which aim to widen participation into environmental science.

Climate Change and Biodiversity videos

 Resources will be added to this page. To hear about new resources when they become available, please contact us here, simply write ‘videos’ in the subject and message fields and we will let you know as soon as new KS3 resources become available.

Our range of green career focused videos feature our PhD scientists demonstrating some of the exciting ways young people can be involved in climate change action by studying science.  They give an insight into what studying science has been like for them and their route from school to where they are now. We hope they will inspire young people to consider future study and careers in science.

  • Careers in Biodiversity and worksheet – filmed in one of our partner institutes: the Natural History Museum, our young scientists explain biodiversity and show the extinction, conservation and reintroduction work they’re involved in, working with animal bones, DNA and plant fossils. All our films show the route our scientists took from school to their current career or research position.

  • Careers in Marine Biodiversity with beautiful footage of life underwater, this video features PhD students working to change government policy to protect animals and their habitats with their research into microplastics, river pollution, tracking animals and discovering healthy ecosystems. All our films show the route our scientists took from school to their current position.

  • Careers in BiodiversityThe young PhD students in this video share the work they’re involved in to protect the planet: tracing illegal greenhouse gases to their source; investigating locations of good quality copper for green technologies and demonstrating how some tiny fish are trapping carbon. All our films show the route our scientists took from school to their current position.

Climate change teaching packs

We have created these packs to support teachers to enrich KS3 climate change lessons. We hope they will save teachers time in providing historical climate data, future climate projections and ideas for lessons and activities to make use of them in the classroom. 

  • Historical Climate Data Pack – A PowerPoint presentation to enrich climate change lessons, using historical climate change data to demonstrate differences in locations, adding a trendline reveals a clear pattern and the difference between using a long and short timeline for collecting data.

  • Climate Projections Pack with teacher notes, Climate Projections Pack Classroom Ready and Accompanying Resources – A comprehensive PowerPoint and accompanying resources that can be used as a complete lesson plan or broken into separate sections to work on topics such as: Climate where you live, climate impacts and climate adaptations with suggestions for activities that can be used in the classroom.