Science outreach with Children with Sparking STEM
Science outreach with children, when done well, can inspire them to pursue related careers. For the academic, it can extend their science communication skills and increase their capacity to deliver the impact agenda. Conversely, outreach that bores students has the potential to turn them away from science and outreach in schools that is unsympathetic to the constraints within which they must operate, may deter them from further participation. Child-focused outreach often involves “Wow!” science demonstrations which generate excellent short-term interest, but rarely inspire the long-term impact that comes from deeper understanding. Though early career researchers are increasingly offered outreach engagements involving children, there are limited opportunities for academics to gain the specific skills and knowledge necessary to design and execute outreach that is truly effective at inspiring the next generation.
Participants in this interactive course extend their technical skills as they learn three components of successful outreach. They design age-targeted, curriculum-linked outreach activities to inspire school-age students towards their specific field of research. Their professional skills are enhanced as they learn to structure and deliver outreach that is welcomed by schools and other education organisations. Participants gain basic knowledge of the British education system and insight into school operations and expectations. Their personal development is enhanced as they learn to deliver outreach with confidence and skill, while mastering basic techniques for managing risks and behaviour, and catering for some special educational needs.
“The whole course was designed creatively, full of useful information and well paced! I loved how everything was tailored to our individual projects”.
“Clear friendly and attentive instruction, interesting activities and breadth of tips discussed, tangible improvement and progress from start to finish”.
Demonstration of teach techniques and the mystery/wow aspect”.